About Jennie Richards

I got the travel bug when I was 17 and was fortunate enough to join a group of high school students for a two-month art history and history tour of 11 countries throughout Europe. While in high school, I was also bitten by the photography bug and worked as a teacher’s assistant for two years in our school photography classes, then pursued photography through college as an elective credit, while pursuing my majors in Advertising and English Literature.

During my junior year, I attended college abroad spending a semester in Avignon, France, through the American Heritage Scholastic Program. Then following my semester studying everything French, I traveled for several months throughout Europe. This experience of living in France and traveling through Europe triggered my obsession to travel at every opportunity I could. But the challenge of developing and managing a career and working for a living–and traveling–often seemed at odds with each other. Plus, there was the reality of saving enough money to travel, not just for one or two weeks, but travel for an extended period of time to absorb as much about a place as possible. So I promised myself extended backpacking trips for up to a year or more, in every decade of my life. Well, that is, until I got married, bought a house, remodeled the house, started a business, started rescuing abandoned and homeless cats, and finally settled down.

During all four college years, I worked my way through college as a photographer working for a local photography studio in Seattle shooting photos of weddings, receptions, sorority and fraternity dances, family portraits and engagements. After graduating, I worked for four years saving enough to buy Nikon camera equipment and take a year off between jobs to backpack throughout Mexico, Central and South America. Returning to the states, I held photography exhibitions of my work in Seattle’s public spaces including the Seattle Library, the University of Washington, the Bellevue Public Library, and several large corporate office building gallery spaces.

In my late 30s/early 40s, I traveled again for 1.5 years throughout Southeast and Central Asia, Nepal, Australia, Turkey and Greece–some 12 countries. Then in my mid 50s, I started traveling again, every year for 3-4 weeks, this time revisiting and focusing on Europe.

I have always loved travel and experiencing new cultures, traditions, landscapes, and people and capturing all through the photographic lens. Each place I encounter always offers its own unique beauty, the magic that makes it different from everywhere else.

I created this site as a personal photography website to document my travels and showcase my photos, but also to hopefully inspire others to travel more, get out of comfort zones, appreciate other cultures, learn how others live, and create memories for a lifetime.

Art Prints


I have developed, designed and launched multiple websites including for E-commerce, education, non-profits, sustainability organizations, and my own personal websites that reflect my purpose and passion – Humane Decisions, Homeless to Housecats, Discovering Beauty Everywhere, and Jennie Richards Photography.


Website Management, Content Curation and Development, Web Producing and Production, Content Writing and Editing, Blogging, Social Media Management, Photography, Researching.

My Websites

Humane Decisions

Humane Decision’s mission is devoted to ending the suffering, domination, exploitation, abuse, enslavement and use of animals worldwide for reasons of food, pleasure, convenience, entertainment and all other unnecessary reasons, by providing resources and information to shift both individual and collective consciousness and actions to living a fully compassionate life that is completely free of animal products and one that recognizes animal’s sentience and inclusion in our moral community.

My vision is a world where we individually and collectively treat animals as the sentient beings they are, with the moral respect and moral inclusion they deserve, by choosing to live free of eating, wearing, using and exploiting animals in any way.

Homeless To Housecats

I have been in cat rescue since 2003 when I became a foster for a local cat rescue nonprofit called Friends of the Formerly Friendless (FFF) in Concord, CA. For the following three years, I fostered abandoned and homeless cats, medically cared for them, socialized them, and took them to adoptions every weekend. The ones that were not adoptable or were never adopted, we kept – and added them to our already growing cat family of four previously abandoned and abused cats.

Three years later, in 2006, I joined Community Concern for Cats (CC4C), a non-profit 501(c)(3) in Contra Costa County, and have been with this organization ever since – rescuing more cats and kittens, doing Trap-Neuter-Return, providing medical care and rehabilitation, socialization, fostering, managing adoptions and being on the Board of Directors since 2007. I guess you could say I’m committed to cats!

Every cat has a back story. No cat should ever have been abandoned and left behind to survive outside on their own. Every cat is deserving of love, attention, care and a commitment to their well being for the rest of their natural days. Every cat deserves a loving, safe, healthy and happy forever home. This is my commitment to them, and to the public in teaching the importance and value of providing good care to cats in need. All animals need our help, our support, our care, and our respect.

Discovering Beauty Everywhere

Discovering Beauty Everywhere is about pursuing more beauty in our lives every day. It’s right outside our front door — you can find miraculous beauty in parks, on walks and hikes, in the mountains, in the presence of our pets, in public gardens -– it is all around us, we just need to step outside.

We can develop a frame of mind where we become highly aware of how truly miraculous life is. Beauty can be in the small things—a flower, a tree, an animal, a work of art, something created, something natural. It can also be found in big things – landscapes, mountains, vistas, sunsets, man-made urban scapes, buildings, rivers and lakes, the ocean. Beauty can also be found in the mundane, we don’t have to have a life-changing moment, an earth-shattering epiphany, or travel across the globe to find it. It can be right in our backyard, our home, our animals, our gardens. It’s about living intimately with life, appreciating what we have, accepting what we don’t, and seeking what fulfills us.

Some Photos
A Day on the Canals of Venice
Walking Lisbon's Charming and Colorful Neighborhoods
Walking the Pedestrian Streets of Tuscany's Hill Towns
Walking the Pedestrian Streets of Tuscany's Hill Towns
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